Frequently Asked Questions

I found factual errors on the site

That's true. The site's initiative started with a popular list shared on Facebook. I built the site with this list. Then, I realized the list was full of errors. Currently, I have started adding fact-checking for each product from this famous list.

Did you use American products to build this application?

Yes. I used several American products actually: Cursor, Claude, Firebase, and Vercel. I also used Google for research and coded everything on an Apple computer. I don't believe it's possible to do everything with local products, and that's not the goal of this project. One thing is certain, the project would have taken at least 10 times longer if we had been very strict about the origin of development tools. The idea was to quickly build a site to help encourage local businesses.

Is the site hosted in Quebec?

Yes and no. All data is in Quebec, in Google's data center near Montreal. The site is hosted with Vercel, I don't know where, but probably in the United States. As with the development tools, the idea was to quickly deploy a solution. This comes with a trade-off that I'm willing to accept.

This initiative seems emotional and opportunistic

Yes and no. The project was first to have fun and test the limits of Cursor, to validate what can be done in a few hours with AI in terms of web applications. Then, my close network liked the idea, so I pushed the project a little further. Now, the project is in an MVP (minimum viable product) state and needs a lot of love to become a real tool to help local businesses. Being 100% volunteer on the project, it will now evolve slowly over the weeks.

Can I help with the project?

Yes. Write to me if you are a developer and want to participate in the development of new features:

Please support the initiative

This web app is a work in progress and has been made 100% voluntarily. Many features need to be added to become a great app to support local entrepreneurs.